
Swift Learning (3) - Basic Operators (Fully Ver.)


运算符是检查、改变、合并值的特殊符号或短语。例如,加号+将两个数组相加(如let i = 1 + 2)。更复杂的运算例子包括逻辑与运算符&&a

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August 10, 2021

Swift Learning (2) - The Basics (Fully Ver.)



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August 7, 2021

Swift Learning (1) - First See (Fully Ver.)


Swift简介 Swift是美国苹果公司推出的编程语言,专门针对苹果桌面操作系统macOS和苹果移动操作系统iOS、iPadOS以及watc

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August 4, 2021

Installing ROS on an Ubuntu 18.04


0. 装前须知 ROS官方发行了许多版本,它们与Ubuntu的发行版本存在对应关如下表: ROS版本 Ubuntu版本 ROS Kinetic Kame Ubuntu 16.04 ROS Melodic Morenia Ubuntu 18.04 ROS Noetic Ninjemys Ubuntu 20.04 因

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May 25, 2021

The Usage of ADM PV-RCNN


NoteThis document mainly introduces the use of ADM PV-RCNN Docker container, details can be seen here. This Docker container contains a complete pipline working files from LiDAR to algorithm model. This Docker container can process the Pcap format data packets collected by LiDAR. Currently, it only supports data collected by four types of LiDAR produced by Robosense: RS-LiDAR-16, RS-LiDAR-32, RS-LiDAR-64 and RS-LiDAR-128. More brands and types of lidar will be supported in the future.

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May 23, 2021

Exploring the JD Electronics Super Experience Store in Hefei


Recently, I heard that JD’s second global electronics super experience store opened, and it’s right here in Hefei. After a quick search on the map, I found it’s not too far away, just five subway stops or about a ten-minute bike ride. Exiting the subway, from a distance, you can see a giant “JD Dog” (JD’s mascot, a dog, colloquially called “Dog East”) “climbing” the glass walls of the store.

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May 21, 2021