Python Basics
函数知识点汇总 调用函数 Python内置了很多有用的函数可以直接调用。 要掉用一个函数需要知道函数的名称与参数,可以从Python的官方网站查看
December 29, 2021
Swift Learning (11) - Classes and Structures (Fully Ver.)
结构体和类作为一种通用而又灵活的结构,成为了人们构建代码的基础。可以使用定义常量、变量和函数的语法,从而为结构体和类定义属性、添加方法。 与其
August 30, 2021
Swift Learning (10) - Enumeration (Fully Ver.)
枚举为一组相关的值定义了一个共同的类型。使得能够在代码中以类型安全的方式来使用这些值。 如果熟悉C语言,会知道在C语言中,枚举会为一组整型值分
August 25, 2021
Swift Learning (9) - Closures (Fully Ver.)
August 23, 2021
Swift Learning (8) - Functions (Fully Ver.)
函数是一段完成特定任务的独立代码片段。可以通过函数命名来标识某个函数的功能,这个名字可以被用来在需要的时候“调用”这个函数来玩成它的任务。 S
August 22, 2021
Swift Learning (7) - Control Flow (Fully Ver.)
August 21, 2021
Swift Learning (6) - Collection Types (Fully Ver.)
August 20, 2021
ML Peach RGB-D Dataset
Multi-label peach RGB-D dataset (Including RGB images, depth images, infrared images) Authors: Rao Yuan / Luo Qing / Huo Peilin / Li Yipu / Jensen ZHANG The ML Peach RGB-D Dataset is composed by 2050 multi-modal images of peach on tree filelds captured using Microsoft Azure Kinect DK. Each images contains 3 different modalities, including RGB images, Depth images and Infrared images. All images were aligned with the RGB image and manually labelled in 4 classes: unobstructed, obscured by foliage, obscured by branches and obscured by fruit.
August 17, 2021
Swift Learning (5) - Strings and Characters (Fully Ver.)
字符串是一系列字符的集合,例如“Hello, world”,“albatross”。Swift的字符串通过String类型来表示。而Strin
August 13, 2021
Swift Learning (4) - Advanced Operators (Fully Ver.)
August 12, 2021